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1. Find out all the information for the auditions so you will know when to be prepared. Write down the date and time on a calendar or in a planner.


2. Is the production a musical or straight play? Do you need to have a monologue or song prepared? 



-Find a age appropriate monologue. You can find some online, and there are also some great monologue books that you can use.

-Practice. Practice. Practice. Try to have all your lines memorized( but it's okay if you don't). Try reading the monologue a few time, and then gradually work your way off script.

-Practice in front of a mirror to make sure you have your facial expressions down. You can also record yourself on a video camera and watch yourself to see what you could work on. 



-Find a song that is appropriate for your age and voice type.

-Just in case the directors want to hear a little more from you, prepare two songs: one ballad,and an upbeat song.

-Find sheet music for the song you'll be performing. Sheet music can be found on the internet, or in books sold at music stores, libraries, and online. 

-Prepare songs that you actually enjoy singing. This will show through your audition.

-Don't be afraid to really get into character when singing. Feel your  characters emotions and express them through your performance. It's also important to move around a little and to not be so stiff. 


3. Come dressed in nice and appropriate clothing.

-For musicals, the auditions will involve a dance portion. Wear or bring comfortable clothing that will allow you to perform the necessary dance moves.

- Wear clothing that makes you feel confident, but nothing too over the top. Evening wear and church attire might seem like a little too much. Keep it casual.

-There is no need to wear excessive amounts of makeup, especially for auditioning for a school production. If you do decided to wear makeup, it's best to keep it natural. 

-It is never a good idea to come dressed in character unless that director has specifically said to. Just dress like yourself, and allow your acting to transform you into that character.


4. The final and most important step: JUST HAVE FUN!!!! Be confident, give the audition your all, and everything will be fine. If you mess up while singing your song, just keep going. If you forget the dance moves, just hop back in whenever you can. If you forget your lines, show us your improv skills. Don't stress too much; enjoy yourself!


How to Prepare for an Audition

Check out this video for more audition tips!

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